[Twisted-Python] Twisted tests on public CI

Amber "Hawkie" Brown hawkowl at atleastfornow.net
Wed Jul 20 15:46:23 MDT 2016

> On 20 Jul 2016, at 23:36, Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph at twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
> It seems like the only thing that Buildbot is now covering which this setup is not is alternate kernels, which have not diverged in behavior from Twisted's perspective for 7 or 8 years.  I am starting to wonder if we could get rid of the entire current buildbot environment with all its complicated trust issues and just start over with the parts that we actually want: on-demand, latent FreeBSD and Windows builders, for example.  This is a tricky problem, but if it's the *only* thing we're trying to get buildbot to do it's a lot simpler to start there.
> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong though ;).

That and non-old Ubuntus -- new Fedora/RHEL versions for the past year or two have uncovered OpenSSL changes (partially because Fedora uses FIPS mode, and things like SSLv3 and MD5 just don't work on them), as well as testing more diverse versions (like Ubuntu 12.04, which has an OpenSSL which doesn't support NPN/ALPN).

- Amber
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