[Twisted-Python] Help with twisted.conch.manhole

Werner Thie werner at thieprojects.ch
Sun Apr 19 11:05:25 MDT 2020

Don't know if this is still state of the art, but I've been using this
off and on and please don't use


HTH, Werner

#### controlling terminal command line server
#on port 9999. Connect with
#ssh admin at localhost -p 9999
#accept new keys and start work
from twisted.conch import manhole, manhole_ssh
from twisted.conch.ssh import keys, userauth, factory, connection
from twisted.conch.ssh.transport import SSHServerTransport
from twisted.cred import portal, checkers

Generate these keys with

$ ckeygen -t rsa -f ssh-keys/ssh_host_rsa_key
$ ckeygen -t rsa -f ssh-keys/client_rsa

ssh_host_rsa_key.pub is the public key file
ssh_host_rsa_key     is the private key file
publicKey = """ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCoJSZjqVJdh36RoNvwsTMNlqk8heFV6DxNhhkw3uZ58uyrsnz+7JHGpu56tJAO39WMJPLQfdtyWxCy1P2RRKh65hGznvyt2UaAHdZDMqbNcMlupFPg8P4pCgR+/2M14QSopqysfjgXUJRfR/pD93Ofy0L2N5uEGipTjVAjKwxbzQ== wthie at qubik.local"""

privateKey = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"""

class ConchSSHFactory(factory.SSHFactory):
    This is the entry point of our SSH server implementation.

    The SSH transport layer is implemented by L{SSHTransport} and is the
    protocol of this factory.

    Here we configure the server's identity (host keys) and handlers for the
    SSH services:
    * L{connection.SSHConnection} handles requests for the channel multiplexing
    * L{userauth.SSHUserAuthServer} handlers requests for the user
      authentication service.
    protocol = SSHServerTransport

    services = {
        'ssh-userauth': userauth.SSHUserAuthServer,
        'ssh-connection': connection.SSHConnection

    def __init__(self, portal):
        self.portal = portal
        self.publicKeys = {
            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(data=publicKey)
        self.privateKeys = {
            'ssh-rsa': keys.Key.fromString(data=privateKey)

def get_manhole_factory(namespace, **passwords):
    realm = manhole_ssh.TerminalRealm()

    def get_manhole(_):
        return manhole.Manhole(namespace)

    realm.chainedProtocolFactory.protocolFactory = get_manhole
    p = portal.Portal(realm)
    checker = checkers.InMemoryUsernamePasswordDatabaseDontUse(**passwords)
    return ConchSSHFactory(p)

console = get_manhole_factory(pbRoot.initCommands(), admin='admin')
internet.TCPServer(9999, console, interface='localhost').setServiceParent(application)

For memory debugging I found these few lines helpful

exc = [

inc = [

prev = {}

def dumpObjects(delta=True, limit=0, include=inc, exclude=[]):
  global prev
  if include != [] and exclude != []:
    print 'cannot use include and exclude at the same time'
  print 'working with:'
  print '   delta: ', delta
  print '   limit: ', limit
  print ' include: ', include
  print ' exclude: ', exclude
  objects = {}
  oo = gc.get_objects()
  for o in oo:
    if getattr(o, "__class__", None):
      name = o.__class__.__name__
      if ((exclude == [] and include == [])       or \
          (exclude != [] and name not in exclude) or \
          (include != [] and name in include)):
        objects[name] = objects.get(name, 0) + 1
##    if more:
##      print o
  pk = prev.keys()
  names = objects.keys()
  for name in names:
    if limit == 0 or objects[name] > limit:
      if not prev.has_key(name):
        prev[name] = objects[name]
      dt = objects[name] - prev[name]
      if delta or dt != 0:
        print '%0.6d -- %0.6d -- ' % (dt, objects[name]),  name
      prev[name] = objects[name]

def getObjects(oname):
  gets an object list with all the named objects out of the sea of
  gc'ed objects
  olist = []
  objects = {}
  oo = gc.get_objects()
  for o in oo:
    if getattr(o, "__class__", None):
      name = o.__class__.__name__
      if (name == oname):
  return olist

On 4/19/20 00:03, salil GK wrote:
>     I am real need to debug my python application for memory issues. I
> found that using twisted.conch.manhole we can get a telnet session to
> python interpreter so that we can do some debugging sessions there. I
> am using twisted 16.6 in my server. Could you some one please give me
> some sample program for achieving this.
> Thanks ~S
> PS: I have posted this message in stack overflow. Sorry for cross
> posting. I have joined this group only today.
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