[Twisted-Python] Twisted 20.3.0rc1 Release Candidate Announcement

Amber Brown (hawkowl) hawkowl at atleastfornow.net
Mon Mar 9 03:39:02 MDT 2020

It's time for another Twisted release!

Twisted 20.3.0rc1 brings the following:

- curve25519-sha256 key exchange algorithm support in Conch.
- "openssh-key-v1" key format support in Conch.
- Security fixes to twisted.web, including preventing request smuggling 
attacks and rejecting malformed headers. CVE-2020-10108 and 
CVE-2020-10109 were assigned for these issues, see the NEWS file for 
full details.
- `twist dns --secondary` now works on Python 3.
- The deprecation of twisted.news.
- ...and various other fixes, with 28 tickets closed in total.

You can get the tarball and the NEWS file at 
https://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/rc/20.3.0rc1/ , or you can try it out 
from PyPI:

      python -m pip install Twisted==20.3.0rc1

Please test it, and let me know how your applications fare, good or bad! 
If nothing comes up, 20.3 will release very soon.

Twisted regards,

Amber Brown (hawkowl)

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