[Divunal-devel] stock TR

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Fri, 6 Aug 1999 10:59:54 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 6 Aug 1999, Phil Christensen wrote:

> I tried to compile a local copy of TR (just as a developer might if
> they were interested in the platform), and I found a few minor snafus.

Good, good.  All will be in readiness for a release, then :-)

> First of all, I made a minor change to twisted.reality.Age so it's 1.2
> compatible (now, before Glyph has a heart attack, it wasn't anything
> severe) -- the import statements were importing all of java.util,
> which, in JDK1.2 includes a LinkedList class. This, of course was
> conflicting with twisted.util.LinkedList. I changed the imports to
> explicitly import only those java.util classes needed by Age.

No heart-attacks here... I've been making small changes to that effect
myself for a long while.  Thanks for making sure it works with an actual
1.2 JDK :-)

In fact, it was a pretty dumb idea for me to name LinkedList
"LinkedList"... I'm thinking of changing it to NaiveDictionary (since it's
hardly ever used as a LinkedList, and it's really not terribly efficient
at doing that.)

Is everything else A-OK for 1.2?

> Also, the map.por in resource used a few modules/classes not present in
> the twisted.reality packages, namely twisted.reality.plugin.Tester and
> twisted.reality.handler.PlayerSayHandler.

PlayerSayHandler was important -- it's been moved to
twisted.reality.plugin, though.  I've put it back in the map.

> However, there's another problem that has arisen, and that is that when
> the player "You" logs in, its location is null, since there's no other
> players to grab "You" this is kind of a problem.

Replacing player is no longer a task of the engine.  In the interest of
putting more hooks in to customize the game's behavior, you're not moved
back to your oldlocation when you log in -- you're given the event
"login".  Ditto for logout.  Default login / logout handlers (in
twisted.reality.plugin) emulate the old behavior.  I've fixed the map for

> I've checked the map, and oldlocation is valid. Any ideas?

Check the map one more time, run a stock TR again, and let's see what
happens.  It should all work now.
