[Divunal-devel] Stuff committed
James Knight
Sat, 7 Aug 1999 06:52:43 -0400
Okay, I committed all the stuff. You might want to look at it first and run
a test server since I haven't done too extensive testing on it, but I
thought I should commit anyways, since this is my last chance for a week. :)
Oh, and about the speed of the swing consolepanel (which i haven't look at
yet), the reason I'm worried is because swing text fields are generally a
little slower on my machine than AWT ones (ie the login text fields aren't
too speedy). I have a fairly fast machine, so I don't know if it would be
unacceptably slow on a slower one. I wasn't concerned about the speed of
your code, but rather the speed of swing. I seriously doubt anything based
on a swing textfield could be faster than the current ConsolePanel
You are in a maze of testy little Java VMs, all subtly different.