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t.i.i.IReactorArbitrary(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of twisted.internet.interfaces View Source View In Hierarchy

Known implementations: twisted.internet.posixbase.PosixReactorBase

No interface docstring
Method listenWith Start an instance of the given portType listening.
Method connectWith Start an instance of the given connectorType connecting.
def listenWith(portType, *args, **kw): (source)
Start an instance of the given portType listening.
ParametersportTypeThe object given by portType(*args, **kw) will be started listening. (type: type which implements IListeningPort )
Returnsan object which provides IListeningPort.
def connectWith(connectorType, *args, **kw): (source)
Start an instance of the given connectorType connecting.
ParametersconnectorTypeThe object given by connectorType(*args, **kw) will be started connecting. (type: type which implements IConnector )
ReturnsAn object which provides IConnector.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:12:41.