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t.p.z.Builder : class documentation

Part of twisted.python.zshcomp View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.python.zshcomp.SubcommandBuilder

No class docstring
Method __init__
Method write Write the completion function to the file given to __init__ @return: None
def __init__(self, cmd_name, options, file): (source)
Parameterscmd_nameThe name of the command (type: str )
optionsThe twisted.usage.Options instance defined for this command (type: twisted.usage.Options )
fileThe file to write the completion function to (type: file )
def write(self): (source)
Write the completion function to the file given to __init__
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:12:41.