t.v.b.a.AdhocDirectory : class documentation

Part of twisted.vfs.backends.adhoc View Source View In Hierarchy

Implements interfaces: twisted.vfs.ivfs.IFileSystemContainer

Ad-hoc directory.

Can contain arbitrary other directories (but not files) as children.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method children Returns a list of 2 element tuples [ ( path, nodeObject ) ]. The first two elements of the list are '.' (the node itself), and '..' (the node parent).
Method child Returns a node object for child childName.
Method getMetadata Undocumented
Method exists Returns True if container has a child childName, False otherwise.
Method putChild Undocumented
Method createDirectory Creates a new folder named childName under this folder. An error is raised if the folder already exists.
Method createFile Creates a new file named childName under this folder.
def __init__(self, children=None, name=None, parent=None): (source)
def children(self): (source)
Returns a list of 2 element tuples [ ( path, nodeObject ) ]. The first two elements of the list are '.' (the node itself), and '..' (the node parent).
def child(self, childName): (source)
Returns a node object for child childName.
RaisesNotFoundError if no child with that name exists.
def getMetadata(self): (source)
def exists(self, childName): (source)
Returns True if container has a child childName, False otherwise.
def putChild(self, name, node): (source)
def createDirectory(self, childName): (source)
Creates a new folder named childName under this folder. An error is raised if the folder already exists.
def createFile(self, childName, exclusive=True): (source)

Creates a new file named childName under this folder.

If exclusive is True (the default), an AlreadyExistsError is raised if the file already exists.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:17:34.