Part of twisted.vfs.backends.inmem View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.vfs.ivfs.IFileSystemContainer
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | children | Returns a list of 2 element tuples [ ( path, nodeObject ) ]. The first two elements of the list are '.' (the node itself), and '..' (the node parent). |
Method | child | Returns a node object for child childName .
Method | getMetadata | Undocumented |
Method | createFile | Creates a new file named childName under this folder. |
Method | createDirectory | Creates a new folder named childName under this folder. An error is raised if the folder already exists. |
Method | exists | Returns True if container has a child childName,
False otherwise.
Inherited from _FakeNode:
Method | create | Undocumented |
Method | remove | Undocumented |
Method | rename | Undocumented |
Raises | NotFoundError if no child with that name exists. |
Creates a new file named childName under this folder.
If exclusive is True (the default), anAlreadyExistsError
is raised if the file already exists.
if container has a child childName,