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t.v.b.o.OSNode : class documentation

Part of twisted.vfs.backends.osfs View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.vfs.backends.osfs.OSDirectory, twisted.vfs.backends.osfs.OSFile

Implements interfaces: twisted.vfs.ivfs.IFileSystemNode

No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method getMetadata Feturns a map of arbitrary metadata. As an example, here's what SFTP expects (but doesn't require):
Method setMetadata Undocumented
Method rename Rename this node to newName.
Method remove Removes this node. An error is raised if the node is a directory and is not empty.
def __init__(self, realPath, name=None, parent=None): (source)
def getMetadata(self): (source)
Feturns a map of arbitrary metadata. As an example, here's what SFTP expects (but doesn't require):
  • 'size': size of file in bytes
  • 'uid': owner of the file
  • 'gid': group owner of the file
  • 'permissions': file permissions
  • 'atime': last time the file was accessed
  • 'mtime': last time the file was modified
  • 'nlink': number of links to the file
Protocols that need metadata should handle the case when a particular value isn't available as gracefully as possible.
def setMetadata(self, attrs): (source)
def rename(self, newName): (source)
Rename this node to newName.
ParametersnewNameA valid filename for the current directory.
RaisesAlreadyExistsErrorIf newName is a directory which already exists.
def remove(self): (source)
Removes this node. An error is raised if the node is a directory and is not empty.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:17:34.