t.w.d.Request(pb.RemoteCopy, server.Request) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.distrib View Source View In Hierarchy

A request which was received by a ResourceSubscription and sent via PB to a distributed node.
Method setCopyableState Initialize this twisted.web.distrib.Request based on the copied state so that it closely resembles a twisted.web.server.Request.
Method write Write the given bytes to the response body.
Method registerProducer Register a producer.
Method unregisterProducer Unregister the producer.
Method fail Undocumented

Inherited from RemoteCopy:

Method unjellyFor Perform the inverse operation of Jellyable.jellyFor.

Inherited from Unjellyable (via RemoteCopy):

Method setStateFor Undocumented

Inherited from Request:

Method __init__
Method getStateToCopyFor Gather state to send when I am serialized for a particular perspective.
Method sibLink Return the text that links to a sibling of the requested resource.
Method childLink Return the text that links to a child of the requested resource.
Method process Process a request.
Method render Undocumented
Method processingFailed Undocumented
Method view_write Remote version of write; same interface.
Method view_finish Remote version of finish; same interface.
Method view_addCookie Remote version of addCookie; same interface.
Method view_setHeader Remote version of setHeader; same interface.
Method view_setLastModified Remote version of setLastModified; same interface.
Method view_setETag Remote version of setETag; same interface.
Method view_setResponseCode Remote version of setResponseCode; same interface.
Method view_registerProducer Remote version of registerProducer; same interface. (requires a remote producer.)
Method view_unregisterProducer Undocumented
Method getSession Look up the session associated with this request or create a new one if there is not one.
Method prePathURL
Method URLPath
Method rememberRootURL Remember the currently-processed part of the URL for later recalling.
Method getRootURL Get a previously-remembered URL.
Method _prePathURL Undocumented

Inherited from Copyable (via Request):

Method getStateToCopy Gather state to send when I am serialized for a peer.
Method getTypeToCopy Determine what type tag to send for me.
Method getTypeToCopyFor Determine what type tag to send for me.
Method jellyFor Assemble type tag and state to copy for this broker.

Inherited from Serializable (via Request, Copyable):

Method processUniqueID Return an ID which uniquely represents this object for this process.

Inherited from Jellyable (via Request, Copyable, Serializable):

Method getStateFor Undocumented

Inherited from Request (via Request):

Method __setattr__ Support assignment of dict instances to received_headers for backwards-compatibility.
Method noLongerQueued Notify the object that it is no longer queued.
Method gotLength Called when HTTP channel got length of content in this request.
Method parseCookies Parse cookie headers.
Method handleContentChunk Write a chunk of data.
Method requestReceived Called by channel when all data has been received.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method getHeader Get an HTTP request header.
Method getCookie Get a cookie that was sent from the network.
Method notifyFinish Notify when the response to this request has finished.
Method finish Indicate that all response data has been written to this Request.
Method addCookie Set an outgoing HTTP cookie.
Method setResponseCode Set the HTTP response code.
Method setHeader Set an HTTP response header. Overrides any previously set values for this header.
Method redirect Utility function that does a redirect.
Method setLastModified Set the Last-Modified time for the response to this request.
Method setETag Set an entity tag for the outgoing response.
Method getAllHeaders Return dictionary mapping the names of all received headers to the last value received for each.
Method getRequestHostname Get the hostname that the user passed in to the request.
Method getHost Get my originally requesting transport's host.
Method setHost Change the host and port the request thinks it's using.
Method getClientIP Return the IP address of the client who submitted this request.
Method isSecure Return True if this request is using a secure transport.
Method getUser Return the HTTP user sent with this request, if any.
Method getPassword Return the HTTP password sent with this request, if any.
Method getClient Undocumented
Method connectionLost There is no longer a connection for this request to respond over. Clean up anything which can't be useful anymore.
Method _cleanup Called when have finished responding and are no longer queued.
Method _sendError Undocumented
Method _authorize Undocumented

Inherited from Componentized (via Request):

Method locateAdapterClass Undocumented
Method setAdapter Undocumented
Method addAdapter Utility method that calls addComponent. I take an adapter class and instantiate it with myself as the first argument.
Method setComponent Undocumented
Method addComponent Add a component to me, for all appropriate interfaces.
Method unsetComponent Remove my component specified by the given interface class.
Method removeComponent Remove the given component from me entirely, for all interfaces for which it has been registered.
Method getComponent Create or retrieve an adapter for the given interface.
Method __conform__ Undocumented

Inherited from Versioned (via Request, Componentized):

Method __setstate__ Undocumented
Method __getstate__ Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out.
Method versionUpgrade (internal) Do a version upgrade.
def setCopyableState(self, state): (source)
Initialize this twisted.web.distrib.Request based on the copied state so that it closely resembles a twisted.web.server.Request.
def write(self, bytes): (source)
Write the given bytes to the response body.
ParametersbytesThe bytes to write. If this is longer than 640k, it will be split up into smaller pieces.
def registerProducer(self, producer, streaming): (source)
Register a producer.
def unregisterProducer(self): (source)
Unregister the producer.
def fail(self, failure): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:17:34.