t.w.fileupload : module documentation

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No module docstring
Class MimeFormatError Undocumented
Function parseContentDispositionFormData Undocumented
Class MultipartMimeStream No class docstring; 1/6 methods documented
Function readIntoFile Read the stream into a file, but not if it's longer than maxlen. Returns Deferred which will be triggered on finish.
Function parseMultipartFormData Undocumented
Function parse_urlencoded_stream Undocumented
Function parse_urlencoded Undocumented
Function pr Undocumented
Function _readHeaders Read the MIME headers. Assumes we've just finished reading in the boundary string.
Class _BoundaryWatchingStream Undocumented
def parseContentDispositionFormData(value): (source)
def _readHeaders(stream): (source)
Read the MIME headers. Assumes we've just finished reading in the boundary string.
def readIntoFile(stream, outFile, maxlen): (source)
Read the stream into a file, but not if it's longer than maxlen. Returns Deferred which will be triggered on finish.
def parseMultipartFormData(stream, boundary, maxMem=100 * 1024, maxFields=1024, maxSize=10 * 1024 * 1024): (source)
def parse_urlencoded_stream(input, maxMem=100 * 1024, keep_blank_values=False, strict_parsing=False): (source)
def parse_urlencoded(stream, maxMem=100 * 1024, maxFields=1024, keep_blank_values=False, strict_parsing=False): (source)
def pr(s): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:17:34.