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t.e.util : module documentation

Part of twisted.enterprise View Source

No module docstring
Class DBError Undocumented
Function getKeyColumn Undocumented
Function quote Add quotes for text types and no quotes for integer types. NOTE: uses Postgresql type codes.
Function safe Make a string safe to include in an SQL statement.
Function makeKW Utility method to construct a dictionary for the attributes of an object from set of args. This also fixes the case of column names.
Function defaultFactoryMethod Used by loadObjects to create rowObject instances.
Class _TableInfo (internal)
Class _TableRelationship (Internal)
def getKeyColumn(rowClass, name): (source)
def quote(value, typeCode, string_escaper=_safe): (source)
Add quotes for text types and no quotes for integer types. NOTE: uses Postgresql type codes.
def safe(text): (source)
Make a string safe to include in an SQL statement.
def makeKW(rowClass, args): (source)
Utility method to construct a dictionary for the attributes of an object from set of args. This also fixes the case of column names.
def defaultFactoryMethod(rowClass, data, kw): (source)
Used by loadObjects to create rowObject instances.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.