Part of twisted.internet View Source
UNIX Process management.
Do NOT use this module directly - use reactor.spawnProcess() instead.
Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-TrauringFunction | reapAllProcesses | Reap all registered processes. |
Function | registerReapProcessHandler | Register a process handler for the given pid, in case reapAllProcesses
is called.
Function | unregisterReapProcessHandler | Unregister a process handler previously registered with registerReapProcessHandler .
Function | detectLinuxBrokenPipeBehavior | On some Linux version, write-only pipe are detected as readable. This function is here to check if this bug is present or not. |
Class | ProcessWriter | (Internal) Helper class to write into a Process's input pipe. |
Class | ProcessReader | ProcessReader |
Class | Process | An operating-system Process. |
Class | PTYProcess | An operating-system Process that uses PTY support. |
Class | _BaseProcess | Base class for Process and PTYProcess. |
Function | _listOpenFDs | Return an iterable of potentially open file descriptors. |
is called.
Parameters | pid | the pid of the process. |
process | a process handler. |
On some Linux version, write-only pipe are detected as readable. This function is here to check if this bug is present or not.
for a more detailed explanation.
Return an iterable of potentially open file descriptors.
This function returns an iterable over the contents of /dev/fd or /proc/<pid>/fd, if they're available on the platform. If they're not, the returned value is the range [0, maxfds], where 'maxfds' is at least 256.