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t.m.s.IManholeClient(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of twisted.manhole.service View Source View In Hierarchy

Known implementations: twisted.manhole.ui.gtk2manhole.ManholeClient

No interface docstring
Method console Takes a list of (type, message) pairs to display.
Method receiveExplorer Receives an explorer.Explorer
Method listCapabilities List what manholey things I am capable of doing.
def console(list_of_messages): (source)

Takes a list of (type, message) pairs to display.

Types include:
  • "stdout" -- string sent to sys.stdout
  • "stderr" -- string sent to sys.stderr
  • "result" -- string repr of the resulting value of the expression
  • "exception" -- a failure.Failure
def receiveExplorer(xplorer): (source)
Receives an explorer.Explorer
def listCapabilities(): (source)

List what manholey things I am capable of doing.

i.e. "Explorer", "Failure"
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.