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t.p.j.b.ICommandLog(Interface) : interface documentation

Part of twisted.persisted.journal.base View Source View In Hierarchy

Known implementations: twisted.persisted.journal.picklelog.DirDBMLog

Interface for command log.
Method logCommand Add a command and its run time to the log.
Method getCurrentIndex Return index of last command that was logged.
Method getCommandsSince Return commands who's index >= the given one.
def logCommand(command, runTime): (source)
Add a command and its run time to the log.
ReturnsDeferred of command index.
def getCurrentIndex(): (source)
Return index of last command that was logged.
def getCommandsSince(index): (source)
Return commands who's index >= the given one.
Returnslist of (time, command) tuples, sorted with ascending times.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.