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t.p.lockfile : module documentation

Part of twisted.python View Source

Filesystem-based interprocess mutex.
Function unique Undocumented
Function kill Undocumented
Function symlink Undocumented
Function readlink Undocumented
Function rmlink Undocumented
Class FilesystemLock A mutex.
Function isLocked Determine if the lock of the given name is held or not.
def unique(): (source)
def kill(pid, signal): (source)
def symlink(value, filename): (source)
def readlink(filename): (source)
def rmlink(filename): (source)
def isLocked(name): (source)
Determine if the lock of the given name is held or not.
ParametersnameThe filesystem path to the lock to test (type: str )
ReturnsTrue if the lock is held, False otherwise. (type: bool )
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.