Part of twisted.trial.runner View Source View In Hierarchy
or a
Instance Variables | methodPrefix | A string prefix. TestLoader will assume that all the
methods in a class that begin with methodPrefix are test
modulePrefix | A string prefix. Every module in a package that begins with
modulePrefix is considered a module full of tests.
| |
forceGarbageCollection | A flag applied to each TestCase loaded. See unittest.TestCase
for more information.
| |
sorter | A key function used to sort TestCase s, test classes,
modules and packages.
| |
suiteFactory | A callable which is passed a list of tests (which themselves may be suites of tests). Must return a test suite. |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | sort | Sort the given things using sorter .
Method | findTestClasses | Given a module, return all Trial test classes |
Method | findByName | Return a Python object given a string describing it. |
Method | loadModule | Return a test suite with all the tests from a module. |
Method | loadClass | Given a class which contains test cases, return a sorted list of
TestCase instances.
Method | getTestCaseNames | Given a class that contains TestCase s, return a list of
names of methods that probably contain tests.
Method | loadMethod | Given a method of a TestCase that represents a test, return
a TestCase instance for that test.
Method | loadPackage | Load tests from a module object representing a package, and return a TestSuite containing those tests. |
Method | loadDoctests | Return a suite of tests for all the doctests defined in
module .
Method | loadAnything | Given a Python object, return whatever tests that are in it. Whatever 'in' might mean. |
Method | loadByName | Given a string representing a Python object, return whatever tests are in that object. |
Method | loadByNames | No summary |
Method | _makeCase | Undocumented |
Parameters | xs | A list of test cases, class or modules. |
Parameters | name | a string which may be either a filename or a fully-qualified Python name. |
Returns | If name is a filename, return the module. If
name is a fully-qualified Python name, return the object it
refers to.
Return a test suite with all the tests from a module.
Included are TestCase subclasses and doctests listed in the module's
__doctests__ module. If that's not good for you, put a function named
either testSuite
or test_suite
in your module
that returns a TestSuite, and I'll use the results of that instead.
and test_suite
are both present,
then I'll use testSuite
s, return a list of
names of methods that probably contain tests.
that represents a test, return
a TestCase
instance for that test.
Load tests from a module object representing a package, and return a TestSuite containing those tests.
Tests are only loaded from modules whose name begins with 'test_' (or whatevermodulePrefix
is set to).
Parameters | package | a types.ModuleType object (or reasonable facsimilie obtained by importing) which may contain tests. |
recurse | A boolean. If True, inspect modules within packages within the given package (and so on), otherwise, only inspect modules in the package itself. | |
Returns | a TestSuite created with my suiteFactory, containing all the tests. | |
Raises | TypeError if 'package' is not a package. |
Parameters | module | A module object or a module name. |
Parameters | thing | A Python object. A module, method, class or package. |
recurse | Whether or not to look in subpackages of packages. Defaults to False. | |
Returns | A TestCase or TestSuite .
Given a string representing a Python object, return whatever tests are in that object.
is somehow inaccessible (e.g. the module can't be
imported, there is no Python object with that name etc) then return an ErrorHolder
Parameters | name | The fully-qualified name of a Python object. |