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t.v.a.f.FileSystemToIFTPShellAdaptor(object) : class documentation

Part of twisted.vfs.adapters.ftp View Source View In Hierarchy

Implements interfaces: twisted.protocols.ftp.IFTPShell

Wrap a VFS filesystem to an ftpIFTPShell interface.
Method __init__
Method makeDirectory Create a directory named path.
Method removeDirectory Remove the given directory.
Method removeFile Remove the file at path.
Method list List all files and directories in path.
Method access Check if path is accessible.
Method openForReading Open file at path for reading.
Method openForWriting Open file at path for writing.
Method stat Stat path for metadatas keys.
Method rename Rename fromPath to toPath.
Static Method _makePath Make a path from its segments.
Method _attrify Undocumented
def __init__(self, filesystem): (source)
Parametersfilesystemthe root of the FTP server. (type: ivfs.IFileSystemContainer. )
def _makePath(segments): (source)
Make a path from its segments.
def makeDirectory(self, path): (source)
Create a directory named path.
def removeDirectory(self, path): (source)
Remove the given directory.
def removeFile(self, path): (source)
Remove the file at path.
def list(self, path, keys=()): (source)
List all files and directories in path.
Parameterskeysthe name of the metadatas to return. (type: tuple of str. )
def _attrify(self, node, keys): (source)
def access(self, path): (source)
Check if path is accessible.
def openForReading(self, path): (source)
Open file at path for reading.
def openForWriting(self, path): (source)
Open file at path for writing.
def stat(self, path, keys=()): (source)
Stat path for metadatas keys.
def rename(self, fromPath, toPath): (source)
Rename fromPath to toPath.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.