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t.w.t.PHPScript(FilteredScript) : class documentation

Part of twisted.web.twcgi View Source View In Hierarchy

PHPScript is deprecated. See FilteredScript for how to create a platform-specific configuration for the location of a PHP CGI interpreter.

I am a FilteredScript that uses the PHP command on most systems. Sometimes, PHP wants the path to itself as argv[0]. This is that time.

Inherited from FilteredScript:

Method runProcess Run a script through the filter executable.

Inherited from CGIScript (via FilteredScript):

Method __init__ Initialize, with the name of a CGI script file.
Method render Do various things to conform to the CGI specification.

Inherited from Resource (via FilteredScript, CGIScript):

Method listStaticNames Undocumented
Method listStaticEntities Undocumented
Method listNames Undocumented
Method listEntities Undocumented
Method listDynamicNames Undocumented
Method listDynamicEntities Undocumented
Method getStaticEntity Undocumented
Method getDynamicEntity Undocumented
Method delEntity Undocumented
Method reallyPutEntity Undocumented
Method getChild Retrieve a 'child' resource from me.
Method getChildWithDefault Retrieve a static or dynamically generated child resource from me.
Method getChildForRequest Undocumented
Method putChild Register a static child.
Method render_HEAD Default handling of HEAD method.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.