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t.w.f.range : module documentation

Part of twisted.web2.filter View Source

No module docstring
Class UnsatisfiableRangeRequest Undocumented
Function canonicalizeRange Return canonicalized (start, end) or raises UnsatisfiableRangeRequest exception.
Function makeUnsatisfiable Undocumented
Function makeSegment Undocumented
Function rangefilter Undocumented
def canonicalizeRange((start, end), size): (source)

Return canonicalized (start, end) or raises UnsatisfiableRangeRequest exception.

NOTE: end is the last byte *inclusive*, which is not the usual convention in python! Be very careful! A range of 0,1 should return 2 bytes.
def makeUnsatisfiable(request, oldresponse): (source)
def makeSegment(inputStream, lastOffset, start, end): (source)
def rangefilter(request, oldresponse): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:22:34.