Part of twisted.cred View Source
Support for resolving command-line strings that represent different checkers available to cred.
Examples:Interface | ICheckerFactory | A factory for objects which provide twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker .
Class | StrcredException | Base exception class for strcred. |
Class | InvalidAuthType | Raised when a user provides an invalid identifier for the authentication plugin (known as the authType). |
Class | InvalidAuthArgumentString | Raised by an authentication plugin when the argument string provided is formatted incorrectly. |
Class | UnsupportedInterfaces | Raised when an application is given a checker to use that does not provide any of the application's supported credentials interfaces. |
Function | findCheckerFactories | Find all objects that implement ICheckerFactory .
Function | findCheckerFactory | Find the first checker factory that supports the given authType. |
Function | makeChecker | Returns an twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker
based on the contents of a descriptive string. Similar to twisted.application.strports .
Class | AuthOptionMixin | Defines helper methods that can be added on to any usage.Options
subclass that needs authentication.
based on the contents of a descriptive string. Similar to twisted.application.strports