Part of twisted.internet.process View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.internet.interfaces.IProcessTransport
Method | __init__ | Spawn an operating-system process. |
Method | closeStdin | Close stdin after all data has been written out. |
Method | closeStdout | Close stdout. |
Method | closeStderr | Close stderr. |
Method | doRead | Called when my standard output stream is ready for reading. |
Method | fileno | This returns the file number of standard output on this process. |
Method | maybeCallProcessEnded | Call processEnded on protocol after final cleanup. |
Method | connectionLost | I call this to clean up when one or all of my connections has died. |
Method | writeSomeData | Write some data to the open process. |
Method | _setupChild | Setup child process after fork() but before exec(). |
Inherited from FileDescriptor:
Method | logPrefix | Returns the default log prefix |
Method | doWrite | Called when data can be written. |
Method | writeConnectionLost | Indicates write connection was lost. |
Method | readConnectionLost | Indicates read connection was lost. |
Method | write | Reliably write some data. |
Method | writeSequence | Reliably write a sequence of data. |
Method | loseConnection | Close the connection at the next available opportunity. |
Method | loseWriteConnection | Undocumented |
Method | stopReading | Stop waiting for read availability. |
Method | stopWriting | Stop waiting for write availability. |
Method | startReading | Start waiting for read availability. |
Method | startWriting | Start waiting for write availability. |
Method | stopConsuming | Stop consuming data. |
Method | resumeProducing | Undocumented |
Method | pauseProducing | Undocumented |
Method | stopProducing | Stop producing data. |
Method | _postLoseConnection | Called after a loseConnection(), when all data has been written. |
Method | _closeWriteConnection | Undocumented |
Inherited from _ConsumerMixin (via FileDescriptor):
Method | registerProducer | Register to receive data from a producer. |
Method | unregisterProducer | Stop consuming data from a producer, without disconnecting. |
Inherited from _BaseProcess:
Method | reapProcess | Try to reap a process (without blocking) via waitpid. |
Method | signalProcess | No summary |
Method | __repr__ | String representation of a process. |
Method | _getReason | Undocumented |
Method | _resetSignalDisposition | Undocumented |
Method | _fork | Fork and then exec sub-process. |
Method | _execChild | The exec() which is done in the forked child. |
Inherited from BaseProcess (via _BaseProcess):
Method | processEnded | This is called when the child terminates. |
Method | _callProcessExited | Undocumented |
Inherited from Ephemeral (via _BaseProcess, BaseProcess):
Method | __getstate__ | Undocumented |
Method | __setstate__ | Undocumented |
Spawn an operating-system process.
This is where the hard work of disconnecting all currently open files / forking / executing the new process happens. (This is executed automatically when a Process is instantiated.)
This will also run the subprocess as a given user ID and group ID, if specified. (Implementation Note: this doesn't support all the arcane nuances of setXXuid on UNIX: it will assume that either your effective or real UID is 0.)