Part of twisted.lore View Source
Rudimentary slide support for Lore.
TODO:<html> <head><title>Title of talk</title></head> <body> <h1>Title of talk</h1> <h2>First Slide</h2> <ul> <li>Bullet point</li> <li>Look ma, I'm <strong>bold</strong>!</li> <li>... etc ...</li> </ul> <h2>Second Slide</h2> <pre class="python"> # Sample code sample. print "Hello, World!" </pre> </body> </html>
Class | MagicpointOutput | Undocumented |
Function | convertFile | Undocumented |
Function | splitIntoSlides | Undocumented |
Function | insertPrevNextLinks | Undocumented |
Class | HTMLSlide | Undocumented |
Function | munge | Undocumented |
Function | getOutputFileName | Undocumented |
Function | doFile | Undocumented |
Class | ProsperSlides | Undocumented |
Class | PagebreakLatex | Undocumented |
Class | TwoPagebreakLatex | Undocumented |
Class | SlidesProcessingFunctionFactory | Undocumented |