Part of twisted.mail.mail View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.mail.mail.IDomain
A domain in which no user exists.
This can be used to block off certain domains.Method | exists | Check whether or not the specified user exists in this domain. |
Method | willRelay | Undocumented |
Method | addUser | Add a username/password to this domain. |
Method | startMessage | No code should ever call this function. |
Method | getCredentialsCheckers | Return a list of ICredentialsChecker implementors for this domain. |
Parameters | user | The user to check
(type: twisted.protocols.smtp.User
) |
Returns | A Deferred which becomes, or a callable which takes no
arguments and returns an object implementing IMessage . This
will be called and the returned object used to deliver the message when it
(type: No-argument callable
) | |
Raises | twisted.protocols.smtp.SMTPBadRcpt | Raised if the given user does not exist in this domain. |