t.n.d.Message : class documentation

Part of twisted.names.dns View Source View In Hierarchy

Message contains all the information represented by a single DNS request or response.
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method addQuery Add another query to this Message.
Method encode Undocumented
Method decode Undocumented
Method parseRecords Undocumented
Method lookupRecordType Retrieve the IRecord implementation for the given record type.
Method toStr Undocumented
Method fromStr Undocumented
def __init__(self, id=0, answer=0, opCode=0, recDes=0, recAv=0, auth=0, rCode=OK, trunc=0, maxSize=512): (source)
def addQuery(self, name, type=ALL_RECORDS, cls=IN): (source)
Add another query to this Message.
ParametersnameThe name to query. (type: str )
typeQuery type (type: int )
clsQuery class (type: int )
def encode(self, strio): (source)
def decode(self, strio, length=None): (source)
def parseRecords(self, list, num, strio): (source)
def lookupRecordType(self, type): (source)
Retrieve the IRecord implementation for the given record type.
ParameterstypeA record type, such as A or NS. (type: int )
ReturnsAn object which implements IRecord or None if none can be found for the given type. (type: types.ClassType )
def toStr(self): (source)
def fromStr(self, str): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:27:37.