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t.p.a.StartTLS(Command) : class documentation

Part of twisted.protocols.amp View Source View In Hierarchy

Use, or subclass, me to implement a command that starts TLS.

Callers of StartTLS may pass several special arguments, which affect the TLS negotiation: Each of those special parameters may also be present as a key in the response dictionary.
Method __init__ Create a StartTLS command. (This is private. Use AMP.callRemote.)
Method _doCommand When a StartTLS command is sent, prepare to start TLS, but don't actually do it; wait for the acknowledgement, then initiate the TLS handshake.

Inherited from Command:

Class __metaclass__ Metaclass hack to establish reverse-mappings for 'errors' and 'fatalErrors' as class vars.
Class Method makeResponse Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command's response schema.
Class Method makeArguments Serialize a mapping of arguments using this Command's argument schema.
Class Method parseResponse Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command's response schema.
Class Method parseArguments Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this Command's argument schema.
Class Method responder Declare a method to be a responder for a particular command.
def __init__(self, **kw): (source)
Create a StartTLS command. (This is private. Use AMP.callRemote.)
Parameterstls_localCertificatethe PrivateCertificate object to use to secure the connection. If it's None, or unspecified, an ephemeral DH key is used instead.
tls_verifyAuthoritiesa list of Certificate objects which represent root certificates to verify our peer with.
def _doCommand(self, proto): (source)
When a StartTLS command is sent, prepare to start TLS, but don't actually do it; wait for the acknowledgement, then initiate the TLS handshake.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:27:37.