Part of twisted.python.components View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.manhole.ui.gtk2manhole.ManholeWindow, twisted.python.components.ReprableComponentized, twisted.web.server.Request, twisted.web.server.Session, twisted.web.static.Registry
I am a mixin to allow you to be adapted in various ways persistently.
I define a list of persistent adapters. This is to allow adapter classes to store system-specific state, and initialized on demand. The getComponent method implements this. You must also register adapters for this class for the interfaces that you wish to pass to getComponent.
Many other classes and utilities listed here are present in Zope3; this one is specific to Twisted.Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | locateAdapterClass | Undocumented |
Method | setAdapter | Undocumented |
Method | addAdapter | Utility method that calls addComponent. I take an adapter class and instantiate it with myself as the first argument. |
Method | setComponent | Undocumented |
Method | addComponent | Add a component to me, for all appropriate interfaces. |
Method | unsetComponent | Remove my component specified by the given interface class. |
Method | removeComponent | Remove the given component from me entirely, for all interfaces for which it has been registered. |
Method | getComponent | Create or retrieve an adapter for the given interface. |
Method | __conform__ | Undocumented |
Inherited from Versioned:
Method | __setstate__ | Undocumented |
Method | __getstate__ | Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out. |
Method | versionUpgrade | (internal) Do a version upgrade. |
Returns | The adapter instantiated. |
Add a component to me, for all appropriate interfaces.
In order to determine which interfaces are appropriate, the component's provided interfaces will be scanned.
If the argument 'ignoreClass' is True, then all interfaces are considered appropriate.
Otherwise, an 'appropriate' interface is one for which its class has been registered as an adapter for my class according to the rules of getComponent.Returns | the list of appropriate interfaces |
Returns | a list of the interfaces that were removed. |
Create or retrieve an adapter for the given interface.
If such an adapter has already been created, retrieve it from the cache that this instance keeps of all its adapters. Adapters created through this mechanism may safely store system-specific state.
If you want to register an adapter that will be created through getComponent, but you don't require (or don't want) your adapter to be cached and kept alive for the lifetime of this Componentized object, set the attribute 'temporaryAdapter' to True on your adapter class.
If you want to automatically register an adapter for all appropriate interfaces (with addComponent), set the attribute 'multiComponent' to True on your adapter class.