Part of twisted.python.monkey View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | addPatch | Add a patch so that the attribute name on obj
will be assigned to value when patch is called or
during runWithPatches .
Method | patch | Apply all of the patches that have been specified with addPatch .
Reverse this operation using restore .
Method | restore | Restore all original values to any patched objects. |
Method | runWithPatches | Apply each patch already specified. Then run the function f with the given args and kwargs. Restore everything when done. |
Method | _alreadyPatched | Has the name attribute of obj already been
patched by this patcher?
Add a patch so that the attribute name
on obj
will be assigned to value
when patch
is called or
during runWithPatches
attribute of obj
already been
patched by this patcher?