t.w.template : module documentation

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HTML rendering for twisted.web.
VariablesVALID_HTML_TAG_NAMESA list of recognized HTML tag names, used by the tag object.
TEMPLATE_NAMESPACEThe XML namespace used to identify attributes and elements used by the templating system, which should be removed from the final output document.
tagsA convenience object which can produce Tag objects on demand via attribute access. For example: tags.div is equivalent to Tag("div"). Tags not specified in VALID_HTML_TAG_NAMES will result in an AttributeError.
Class Tag No summary
Class slot Marker for markup insertion in a template.
Class Comment A <!-- --> comment from a template. Given a separate representation in the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing information.
Class CDATA A <![CDATA[]]> block from a template. Given a separate representation in the DOM so that they may be round-tripped through rendering without losing information.
Class XMLString An ITemplateLoader that loads and parses XML from a string.
Class XMLFile An ITemplateLoader that loads and parses XML from a file.
Class Element Base for classes which can render part of a page.
Function renderer Decorate with renderer to use methods as template render directives.
Function flatten Incrementally write out a string representation of root using write.
Function flattenString Collate a string representation of root into a single string.
Class _NSContext A mapping from XML namespaces onto their prefixes in the document.
Class _ToStan A SAX parser which converts an XML document to the Twisted STAN Document Object Model.
Function _flatsaxParse Perform a SAX parse of an XML document with the _ToStan class.
Class _TagFactory A factory for Tag objects; the implementation of the tags object.
def _flatsaxParse(fl): (source)
Perform a SAX parse of an XML document with the _ToStan class.
ParametersflThe XML document to be parsed.
def renderer(): (source)

Decorate with renderer to use methods as template render directives.

For example:
   class Foo(Element):
       def twiddle(self, request, tag):
           return tag['Hello, world.']

   <div xmlns:t="http://twistedmatrix.com/ns/twisted.web.template/0.1">
       <span t:render="twiddle" />
Will result in this final output:
       <span>Hello, world.</span>
def flatten(request, root, write): (source)

Incrementally write out a string representation of root using write.

In order to create a string representation, root will be decomposed into simpler objects which will themselves be decomposed and so on until strings or objects which can easily be converted to strings are encountered.
ParametersrequestA request object which will be passed to the render method of any IRenderable provider which is encountered.
rootAn object to be made flatter. This may be of type unicode, str, slot, Tag, tuple, list, GeneratorType, Deferred, or something that provides IRenderable.
writeA callable which will be invoked with each str produced by flattening root.
ReturnsA Deferred which will be called back when root has been completely flattened into write or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
def flattenString(request, root): (source)

Collate a string representation of root into a single string.

This is basically gluing flatten to a StringIO and returning the results. See flatten for the exact meanings of request and root.
ReturnsA Deferred which will be called back with a single string as its result when root has been completely flattened into write or which will be errbacked if an unexpected exception occurs.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 16:27:37.