Part of twisted.conch.avatar View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.conch.manhole_ssh.TerminalUser, twisted.conch.unix.UnixConchUser
Implements interfaces: twisted.conch.interfaces.IConchUser
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | lookupChannel | No summary |
Method | lookupSubsystem | The other side requested a subsystem. subsystem is the name of the subsystem being requested. data is any other packet data (often nothing). |
Method | gotGlobalRequest | A global request was sent from the other side. |
We return a subclass of SSHChannel
If an appropriate channel can not be found, an exception will be raised.
If a ConchError
raised, the .value will be the message, and the .data will be the error
Parameters | channelType | (type: str
) |
windowSize | (type: int
) | |
maxPacket | (type: int
) | |
data | (type: str
) | |
Returns | (type: subclass of SSHChannel /tuple
) |
We return a Protocol
By default, this dispatches to a method 'channel_channelType' with any non-alphanumerics in the channelType replace with _'s. If it cannot find a suitable method, it returns an OPEN_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE error. The method is called with arguments of windowSize, maxPacket, data.