Part of twisted.conch.insults.insults View Source View In Hierarchy
Known implementations: twisted.conch.insults.helper.TerminalBuffer, twisted.conch.insults.insults.ServerProtocol, twisted.conch.recvline.TransportSequence
Method | cursorUp | Move the cursor up n lines. |
Method | cursorDown | Move the cursor down n lines. |
Method | cursorForward | Move the cursor right n columns. |
Method | cursorBackward | Move the cursor left n columns. |
Method | cursorPosition | Move the cursor to the given line and column. |
Method | cursorHome | Move the cursor home. |
Method | index | Move the cursor down one line, performing scrolling if necessary. |
Method | reverseIndex | Move the cursor up one line, performing scrolling if necessary. |
Method | nextLine | Move the cursor to the first position on the next line, performing scrolling if necessary. |
Method | saveCursor | Save the cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection. |
Method | restoreCursor | Restore the previously saved cursor position, character attribute, character set, and origin mode selection. |
Method | setModes | Set the given modes on the terminal. |
Method | resetModes | Reset the given modes on the terminal. |
Method | setPrivateModes | Set the given DEC private modes on the terminal. |
Method | resetPrivateModes | Reset the given DEC private modes on the terminal. |
Method | applicationKeypadMode | Cause keypad to generate control functions. |
Method | numericKeypadMode | Cause keypad to generate normal characters. |
Method | selectCharacterSet | Select a character set. |
Method | shiftIn | Activate the G0 character set. |
Method | shiftOut | Activate the G1 character set. |
Method | singleShift2 | Shift to the G2 character set for a single character. |
Method | singleShift3 | Shift to the G3 character set for a single character. |
Method | selectGraphicRendition | Enabled one or more character attributes. |
Method | horizontalTabulationSet | Set a tab stop at the current cursor position. |
Method | tabulationClear | Clear the tab stop at the current cursor position. |
Method | tabulationClearAll | Clear all tab stops. |
Method | doubleHeightLine | Make the current line the top or bottom half of a double-height, double-width line. |
Method | singleWidthLine | Make the current line a single-width, single-height line. |
Method | doubleWidthLine | Make the current line a double-width line. |
Method | eraseToLineEnd | Erase from the cursor to the end of line, including cursor position. |
Method | eraseToLineBeginning | Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the line, including the cursor position. |
Method | eraseLine | Erase the entire cursor line. |
Method | eraseToDisplayEnd | Erase from the cursor to the end of the display, including the cursor position. |
Method | eraseToDisplayBeginning | Erase from the cursor to the beginning of the display, including the cursor position. |
Method | eraseDisplay | Erase the entire display. |
Method | deleteCharacter | Delete n characters starting at the cursor position. |
Method | insertLine | Insert n lines at the cursor position. |
Method | deleteLine | Delete n lines starting at the cursor position. |
Method | reportCursorPosition | Return a Deferred that fires with a two-tuple of (x, y) indicating the cursor position. |
Method | reset | Reset the terminal to its initial state. |
Method | unhandledControlSequence | Called when an unsupported control sequence is received. |
Inherited from ITransport:
Method | write | Write some data to the physical connection, in sequence, in a non-blocking fashion. |
Method | writeSequence | Write a list of strings to the physical connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close my connection, after writing all pending data. |
Method | getPeer | Get the remote address of this connection. |
Method | getHost | Similar to getPeer, but returns an address describing this side of the connection. |
If no cursor state was previously saved, move the cursor to the home position.
Cursor key mode selects the type of characters generated by cursor keys.
which should be one of G0 or G1.
Arguments should be one or more of UNDERLINE, REVERSE_VIDEO, BLINK, or BOLD. NORMAL may also be specified to disable all character attributes.
If top is True, the current line is the top half. Otherwise, it is the bottom half.
Characters to the right of deleted characters are shifted to the left.
Lines below the cursor are shifted down. Lines moved past the bottom margin are lost. This command is ignored when the cursor is outside the scroll region.
Lines below the cursor are shifted up. This command is ignored when the cursor is outside the scroll region.
Parameters | seq | The whole control sequence which could not be interpreted.
(type: str
) |