Part of twisted.internet._newtls View Source View In Hierarchy
is used as the transport object for the TLS protocol object used to
implement startTLS
. Its methods skip any TLS logic which
enables.Instance Variables | _base | A transport class _BypassTLS
has been mixed in with to which methods will be forwarded. This class is
only responsible for sending bytes over the connection, not doing TLS.
_connection | A Connection
which TLS has been started on which will be proxied to by this object. Any
method which has its behavior altered after startTLS will be
skipped in favor of the base class's implementation. This allows the TLS
protocol object to have direct access to the transport, necessary to
actually implement TLS.
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | __getattr__ | Forward any extra attribute access to the original transport object. For
example, this exposes getHost , the behavior of which does not
change after TLS is enabled. |
Method | write | Write some bytes directly to the connection. |
Method | writeSequence | Write a some bytes directly to the connection. |
Method | loseConnection | Close the underlying connection. |
Method | registerProducer | Register a producer with the underlying connection. |
Method | unregisterProducer | Unregister a producer with the underlying connection. |
, the behavior of which does not
change after TLS is enabled.