Part of twisted.internet View Source
Class | BindError | An error occurred binding to an interface |
Class | CannotListenError | This gets raised by a call to startListening, when the object cannotstart listening. |
Class | MulticastJoinError | An attempt to join a multicast group failed. |
Class | MessageLengthError | Message is too long to send |
Class | DNSLookupError | DNS lookup failed |
Class | ConnectInProgressError | A connect operation was started and isn't done yet. |
Class | ConnectError | An error occurred while connecting |
Class | ConnectBindError | Couldn't bind |
Class | UnknownHostError | Hostname couldn't be looked up |
Class | NoRouteError | No route to host |
Class | ConnectionRefusedError | Connection was refused by other side |
Class | TCPTimedOutError | TCP connection timed out |
Class | BadFileError | File used for UNIX socket is no good |
Class | ServiceNameUnknownError | Service name given as port is unknown |
Class | UserError | User aborted connection |
Class | TimeoutError | User timeout caused connection failure |
Class | SSLError | An SSL error occurred |
Class | VerifyError | Could not verify something that was supposed to be signed. |
Class | PeerVerifyError | The peer rejected our verify error. |
Class | CertificateError | We did not find a certificate where we expected to find one. |
Function | getConnectError | Given a socket exception, return connection error. |
Class | ConnectionClosed | Connection was closed, whether cleanly or non-cleanly. |
Class | ConnectionLost | Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion |
Class | ConnectionAborted | Connection was aborted locally, using twisted.internet.interfaces.ITCPTransport.abortConnection . |
Class | ConnectionDone | Connection was closed cleanly |
Class | ConnectionFdescWentAway | Uh |
Class | AlreadyCalled | Tried to cancel an already-called event |
Class | AlreadyCancelled | Tried to cancel an already-cancelled event |
Class | PotentialZombieWarning | Emitted when IReactorProcess.spawnProcess
is called in a way which may result in termination of the created child
process not being reported. |
Class | ProcessDone | A process has ended without apparent errors |
Class | ProcessTerminated | A process has ended with a probable error condition |
Class | ProcessExitedAlready | The process has already exited and the operation requested can no longer be performed. |
Class | NotConnectingError | The Connector was not connecting when it was asked to stop connecting |
Class | NotListeningError | The Port was not listening when it was asked to stop listening |
Class | ReactorNotRunning | Error raised when trying to stop a reactor which is not running. |
Class | ReactorNotRestartable | Error raised when trying to run a reactor which was stopped. |
Class | ReactorAlreadyRunning | Error raised when trying to start the reactor multiple times. |
Class | ReactorAlreadyInstalledError | Could not install reactor because one is already installed. |
Class | ConnectingCancelledError | An Exception that will be raised when an IStreamClientEndpoint
is cancelled before it connects. |