Part of twisted.mail.imap4 View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.mail.imap4.IMessage
Method | getHeaders | Retrieve a group of message headers. |
Method | getBodyFile | Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message. |
Method | getSize | Retrieve the total size, in octets, of this message. |
Method | isMultipart | Indicate whether this message has subparts. |
Method | getSubPart | Retrieve a MIME sub-message |
Parameters | names | The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
(type: tuple of str
) |
negate | If True, indicates that the headers listed in names should be
omitted from the return value, rather than included.
(type: bool
) | |
Returns | A mapping of header field names to header field values
(type: dict
) |
Parameters | part | The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
(type: int
) |
Returns | The specified sub-part.
(type: Any object implementing IMessagePart .
) | |
Raises | IndexError | Raised if the specified part does not exist. |
TypeError | Raised if this message is not multipart. |