Part of twisted.mail.maildir View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.mail.pop3.IMailbox
is an in-memory mailbox.Instance Variables | msgs | A list of str giving the contents of each message
in the mailbox.
_delete | A set of the indexes of messages which have been deleted since
the last sync call.
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | listMessages | Return the length of the message at the given offset, or a list of all message lengths. |
Method | getMessage | Return an in-memory file-like object for the message content at the given offset. |
Method | getUidl | Return a hash of the contents of the message at the given offset. |
Method | deleteMessage | Mark the given message for deletion. |
Method | undeleteMessages | Reset deletion tracking, undeleting any messages which have been deleted
since the last call to sync . |
Method | sync | Discard the contents of any message marked for deletion and reset deletion tracking. |