Part of twisted.mail.pop3 View Source View In Hierarchy
Any cap_* method may raise NotImplementedError if the particular capability is not supported. If cap_EXPIRE() does not raise NotImplementedError, perUserExpiration() must be implemented, otherwise they are optional. If cap_LOGIN_DELAY() is implemented, perUserLoginDelay() must be implemented, otherwise they are optional.
Instance Variables | challengers | A dictionary mapping challenger names to classes implementing
IUsernameHashedPassword .
Method | cap_IMPLEMENTATION | Return a string describing this POP3 server implementation. |
Method | cap_EXPIRE | Return the minimum number of days messages are retained. |
Method | perUserExpiration | Indicate whether message expiration is per-user. |
Method | cap_LOGIN_DELAY | Return the minimum number of seconds between client logins. |
Method | perUserLoginDelay | Indicate whether the login delay period is per-user. |
Returns | True if it is, false otherwise. |
Returns | True if it is, false otherwise. |