Part of twisted.mail.tap View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | addEndpoint | Given a 'service' (pop3 or smtp), add an endpoint. |
Method | opt_pop3 | No summary |
Method | opt_smtp | No summary |
Method | opt_passwordfile | Specify a file containing username:password login info for authenticated ESMTP connections. (DEPRECATED; see --help-auth instead) |
Method | opt_default | Make the most recently specified domain the default domain. |
Method | opt_maildirdbmdomain | generate an SMTP/POP3 virtual domain which saves to "path" |
Method | opt_user | add a user/password to the last specified domains |
Method | opt_bounce_to_postmaster | undelivered mails are sent to the postmaster |
Method | opt_aliases | Specify an aliases(5) file to use for this domain |
Method | postOptions | I am called after the options are parsed. |
Method | _getEndpoints | Return a list of endpoints for the specified service, constructing defaults if necessary. |
Inherited from Options:
Method | __hash__ | Define a custom hash function so that Options instances can be used as dictionary keys. This is an internal feature used to implement the parser. Do not rely on it in application code. |
Method | opt_help | Display this help and exit. |
Method | opt_version | Display Twisted version and exit. |
Method | parseOptions | The guts of the command-line parser. |
Method | parseArgs | I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options. |
Method | __str__ | Undocumented |
Method | getSynopsis | Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file. |
Method | getUsage | Undocumented |
Method | _generic_flag | Undocumented |
Method | _gather_flags | Gather up boolean (flag) options. |
Method | _gather_parameters | Gather options which take a value. |
Method | _gather_handlers | Gather up options with their own handler methods. |
Inherited from AuthOptionMixin:
Method | supportsInterface | Returns whether a particular credentials interface is supported. |
Method | supportsCheckerFactory | Returns whether a checker factory will provide at least one of the credentials interfaces that we care about. |
Method | addChecker | Supply a supplied credentials checker to the Options class. |
Method | opt_auth | Specify an authentication method for the server. |
Method | opt_help_auth | Show all authentication methods available. |
Method | opt_help_auth_type | Show help for a particular authentication type. |
Method | _checkerFactoriesForOptHelpAuth | Return a list of which authTypes will be displayed by --help-auth. This makes it a lot easier to test this module. |
Parameters | reactor | If any endpoints are created, this is the reactor with which they are created. |
service | A key into self indicating the type of service to retrieve endpoints for.
This is either "pop3" or
"smtp" .
| |
Returns | A list of IServerStreamEndpoint providers
corresponding to the command line parameters that were specified for
service . If none were and the protocol was not explicitly
disabled with a --no-* option, a default endpoint for the service is
created using self._protoDefaults .
Override this method in your subclass to do something after the options have been parsed and assigned, like validate that all options are sane.