Part of twisted.names.secondary View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | |
Method | getAuthority | Undocumented |
Method | startService | Start the service. |
Method | stopService | Stop the service. |
Inherited from Service:
Method | __getstate__ | Undocumented |
Method | setName | Set the name of the service. |
Method | setServiceParent | Set the parent of the service. This method is responsible for setting
the parent attribute on this service (the child service). |
Method | disownServiceParent | Use this API to remove an IService
from an IServiceCollection . |
Method | privilegedStartService | Do preparation work for starting the service. |
Parameters | primary | The IP address of the server from which to perform zone transfers. |
domains | A sequence of domain names for which to perform zone transfers. |