Part of twisted.protocols.amp View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | locateResponder | Unify the implementations of CommandLocator
and SimpleStringLocator
to perform both kinds of dispatch, preferring CommandLocator . |
Method | __repr__ | A verbose string representation which gives us information about this AMP connection. |
Method | makeConnection | Emit a helpful log message when the connection is made. |
Method | connectionLost | Emit a helpful log message when the connection is lost. |
Inherited from BinaryBoxProtocol:
Method | sendBox | Send a amp.Box to my peer. |
Method | dataReceived | Either parse incoming data as AmpBox es or relay
it to our nested protocol. |
Method | proto_init | String received in the 'init' state. |
Method | proto_key | String received in the 'key' state. If the key is empty, a complete box has been received. |
Method | proto_value | String received in the 'value' state. |
Method | lengthLimitExceeded | The key length limit was exceeded. Disconnect the transport and make sure a meaningful exception is reported. |
Method | unhandledError | The buck stops here. This error was completely unhandled, time to terminate the connection. |
Method | _switchTo | Switch this BinaryBoxProtocol's transport to a new protocol. You need to do this 'simultaneously' on both ends of a connection; the easiest way to do this is to use a subclass of ProtocolSwitchCommand. |
Method | _lockForSwitch | No summary |
Method | _unlockFromSwitch | Unlock this locked binary protocol so that further boxes may be sent again. This is used after an attempt to switch protocols has failed for some reason. |
Method | _prepareTLS | Used by StartTLSCommand to put us into the state where we don't actually
send things that get sent, instead we buffer them. see
_sendBox . |
Method | _startTLS | Used by TLSBox to initiate the SSL handshake. |
Method | _getPeerCertificate | Undocumented |
Method | _defaultStartTLSResponder | The default TLS responder doesn't specify any certificate or anything. |
Inherited from StatefulStringProtocol (via BinaryBoxProtocol):
Method | stringReceived | Choose a protocol phase function and call it. |
Inherited from IntNStringReceiver (via BinaryBoxProtocol, Int16StringReceiver):
Method | stringReceived | Override this for notification when each complete string is received. |
Method | sendString | Send a prefixed string to the other end of the connection. |
Inherited from Protocol (via BinaryBoxProtocol, Int16StringReceiver, IntNStringReceiver):
Method | logPrefix | Return a prefix matching the class name, to identify log messages related to this protocol instance. |
Inherited from BaseProtocol (via BinaryBoxProtocol, Int16StringReceiver, IntNStringReceiver, Protocol):
Method | connectionMade | Called when a connection is made. |
Inherited from _PauseableMixin (via BinaryBoxProtocol, Int16StringReceiver, IntNStringReceiver):
Method | pauseProducing | Undocumented |
Method | resumeProducing | Undocumented |
Method | stopProducing | Undocumented |
Inherited from BoxDispatcher:
Method | startReceivingBoxes | The given boxSender is going to start calling boxReceived on this BoxDispatcher . |
Method | stopReceivingBoxes | No further boxes will be received here. Terminate all currently oustanding command deferreds with the given reason. |
Method | failAllOutgoing | Call the errback on all outstanding requests awaiting responses. |
Method | callRemoteString | This is a low-level API, designed only for optimizing simple messages for which the overhead of parsing is too great. |
Method | callRemote | This is the primary high-level API for sending messages via AMP. Invoke it with a command and appropriate arguments to send a message to this connection's peer. |
Method | unhandledError | This is a terminal callback called after application code has had a chance to quash any errors. |
Method | ampBoxReceived | An AmpBox was received, representing a command, or an answer to a previously issued command (either successful or erroneous). Respond to it according to its contents. |
Method | dispatchCommand | A box with a _command key was received. |
Method | _nextTag | Generate protocol-local serial numbers for _ask keys. |
Method | _sendBoxCommand | Send a command across the wire with the given amp.Box . |
Method | _answerReceived | An AMP box was received that answered a command previously sent with callRemote . |
Method | _errorReceived | An AMP box was received that answered a command previously sent with callRemote ,
with an error. |
Method | _commandReceived | |
Method | _safeEmit | Emit a box, ignoring ProtocolSwitched
and ConnectionLost
errors which cannot be usefully handled. |
Inherited from CommandLocator:
Class | __metaclass__ | No summary |
Method | lookupFunction | Deprecated synonym for locateResponder |
Method | _wrapWithSerialization | Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization and result serialization logic. |
and SimpleStringLocator
to perform both kinds of dispatch, preferring CommandLocator