Part of twisted.protocols.amp View Source View In Hierarchy
instances as paths on the wire.
This is really intended for use with subprocess communication tools: exchanging pathnames on different machines over a network is not generally meaningful, but neither is it disallowed; you can use this to communicate about NFS paths, for example.
Method | fromString | Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this. |
Method | toString | Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network. |
Inherited from Argument (via Unicode, String):
Method | __init__ | Create an Argument. |
Method | retrieve | Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found. |
Method | fromBox | Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values. |
Method | toBox | Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary mapping names to Python values. |
Method | fromStringProto | Convert a string to a Python value. |
Method | toStringProto | Convert a Python object to a string. |
Parameters | inString | the string to convert. (type: str ) |
Returns | the decoded value from inString |
Parameters | inObject | an object of the type that this Argument is intended to deal with. |
Returns | the wire encoding of inObject (type: str ) |