Part of twisted.protocols.ftp View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.protocols.ftp.FTPShell
Implements interfaces: twisted.protocols.ftp.IFTPShell
Instance Variables | filesystemRoot | The path which is considered the root of this shell.
(type: twisted.python.filepath.FilePath
) |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | makeDirectory | Create a directory. |
Method | removeDirectory | Remove a directory. |
Method | removeFile | Remove a file. |
Method | rename | Rename a file or directory. |
Method | receive | Undocumented |
Method | openForReading | Open path for reading. |
Method | openForWriting | Reject write attempts by anonymous users with PermissionDeniedError . |
Method | access | Determine whether access to the given path is allowed. |
Method | stat | Retrieve information about the given path. |
Method | list | Return the list of files at given path , adding
keys stat informations if specified. |
Method | _path | Undocumented |
Method | _statNode | Shortcut method to get stat info on a node. |
Method | _stat_owner | Undocumented |
Method | _stat_group | Undocumented |
Method | _stat_directory | Undocumented |
Parameters | path | The path, as a list of segments, to create
(type: list of unicode
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires when the directory has been created, or which fails if the directory cannot be created. |
Parameters | path | The path, as a list of segments, to remove
(type: list of unicode
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires when the directory has been removed, or which fails if the directory cannot be removed. |
Parameters | path | The path, as a list of segments, to remove
(type: list of unicode
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires when the file has been removed, or which fails if the file cannot be removed. |
Parameters | fromPath | The current name of the path.
(type: list of unicode
) |
toPath | The desired new name of the path.
(type: list of unicode
) | |
Returns | A Deferred which fires when the path has been renamed, or which fails if the path cannot be renamed. |
for reading.Parameters | path | The path, as a list of segments, to open.
(type: list of unicode
) |
Returns | A Deferred
is returned that will fire with an object implementing IReadFile if
the file is successfully opened. If path is a directory, or
if an exception is raised while trying to open the file, the Deferred will
fire with an error.
.Parameters | path | The path, as a list of segments |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with None if access is allowed or which fails with a specific exception type if access is denied. |
This is like list, except it will never return results about child paths.
, adding
stat informations if specified.Parameters | path | the directory or file to check.
(type: str
) |
keys | the list of desired metadata
(type: list of str
) |
Parameters | filePath | the node to stat.
(type: filepath.FilePath
) |
keys | the stat keys to get.
(type: iterable
) |