Part of twisted.spread.pb View Source View In Hierarchy
I am generated automatically when a cache is serialized. I represent a
reference to the client's RemoteCache
object that will represent a particular Cacheable
; I am
the additional object passed to getStateToCacheAndObserveFor.
Method | __init__ | (internal) Initialize me. |
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | __hash__ | Generate a hash unique to all RemoteCacheObserver s
for this broker/perspective/cached triplet |
Method | __cmp__ | Compare me to another RemoteCacheObserver . |
Method | callRemote | (internal) action method. |
Method | remoteMethod | Get a pb.RemoteMethod
for this key. |
Parameters | broker | a pb.Broker
cached | a Cacheable
instance that this RemoteCacheObserver
corresponds to.
| |
perspective | a reference to the perspective who is observing this. |
for this broker/perspective/cached triplet