Part of twisted.trial.reporter View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.trial.reporter.Reporter
Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter
s.Instance Variables | successes | count the number of successes achieved by the test run.
(type: int
) |
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | __repr__ | Undocumented |
Method | startTest | This must be called before the given test is commenced. |
Method | stopTest | This must be called after the given test is completed. |
Method | addFailure | Report a failed assertion for the given test. |
Method | addError | Report an error that occurred while running the given test. |
Method | addSkip | Report that the given test was skipped. |
Method | addUnexpectedSuccess | Report that the given test succeeded against expectations. |
Method | addExpectedFailure | Report that the given test failed, and was expected to do so. |
Method | addSuccess | Report that the given test succeeded. |
Method | upDownError | Deprecated in Twisted 8.0. |
Method | cleanupErrors | Report an error that occurred during the cleanup between tests. |
Method | startSuite | Deprecated in Twisted 8.0. |
Method | endSuite | Deprecated in Twisted 8.0. |
Method | done | The test suite has finished running. |
Method | _getTime | Undocumented |
Method | _getFailure | Convert a sys.exc_info() -style tuple to a Failure , if
necessary. |
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
fail | (type: Failure or
) |
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
error | (type: Failure or
) |
In Trial, tests can be 'skipped'. Tests are skipped mostly because there is some platform or configuration issue that prevents them from being run correctly.
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
reason | (type: str
) |
In Trial, tests can be marked 'todo'. That is, they are expected to fail. When a test that is expected to fail instead succeeds, it should call this method to report the unexpected success.
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
todo | (type: unittest.Todo
) |
In Trial, tests can be marked 'todo'. That is, they are expected to fail.
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
error | (type: Failure
) | |
todo | (type: unittest.Todo
) |
Parameters | test | (type: pyunit.TestCase
) |
Called when an error occurs in a setUp* or tearDown* method
Parameters | warn | indicates whether or not the reporter should emit a warning about the error (type: Boolean ) |
printStatus | indicates whether or not the reporter should print the name of the method and the status message appropriate for the type of error (type: Boolean ) |
Suites which wish to appear in reporter output should call this before running their tests.
Called at the end of a suite, if and only if that suite has called