Part of twisted.trial.unittest View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.trial.unittest.TestCase
Although the tests are defined as 'failIf*' and 'failUnless*', they can also be called as 'assertNot*' and 'assert*'.
Method | fail | Absolutely fail the test. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. |
Method | failIf | Fail the test if condition evaluates to True. |
Method | failUnless | Fail the test if condition evaluates to False. |
Method | failUnlessRaises | Fail the test unless calling the function f with the given
args and kwargs raises exception .
The failure will report the traceback and call stack of the unexpected
exception. |
Method | assertEqual | Fail the test if first and second are not
equal. |
Method | failUnlessIdentical | Fail the test if first is not second . This is
an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e.
__eq__ ) test. |
Method | failIfIdentical | Fail the test if first is second . This is an
obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e.
__eq__ ) test. |
Method | failIfEqual | Fail the test if first == second . |
Method | failUnlessIn | Fail the test if containee is not found in
container . |
Method | failIfIn | Fail the test if containee is found in
container . |
Method | failIfAlmostEqual | Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero. |
Method | failUnlessAlmostEqual | Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by their difference rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and comparing to zero. |
Method | failUnlessApproximates | Fail if first - second >
tolerance |
Method | failUnlessFailure | Fail if deferred does not errback with one of
expectedFailures . Returns the original Deferred with callbacks
added. You will need to return this Deferred from your test case. |
Method | failUnlessSubstring | Fail if substring does not exist within
astring . |
Method | failIfSubstring | Fail if astring contains substring . |
Method | failUnlessWarns | Fail if the given function doesn't generate the specified warning when called. It calls the function, checks the warning, and forwards the result of the function if everything is fine. |
Method | failUnlessIsInstance | Fail if instance is not an instance of the given class or
of one of the given classes. |
Method | failIfIsInstance | Fail if instance is not an instance of the given class or
of one of the given classes. |
Parameters | msg | the message that will be displayed as the reason for the failure |
evaluates to True.Parameters | condition | any object that defines __nonzero__ |
evaluates to False.Parameters | condition | any object that defines __nonzero__ |
with the given
and kwargs
raises exception
The failure will report the traceback and call stack of the unexpected
exception.Parameters | exception | exception type that is to be expected |
f | the function to call | |
Returns | The raised exception instance, if it is of the given type. | |
Raises | self.failureException | Raised if the function call does not raise an exception or if it raises an exception of a different type. |
and second
are not
equal.Parameters | msg | A string describing the failure that's included in the exception. |
is not second
. This is
an obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e.
) test.Parameters | msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r is not %r' % (first, second) |
is second
. This is an
obect-identity-equality test, not an object equality (i.e.
) test.Parameters | msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r is %r' % (first, second) |
== second
.Parameters | msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r == %r' % (first, second) |
is not found in
.Parameters | containee | the value that should be in container
container | a sequence type, or in the case of a mapping type, will follow semantics of 'if key in dict.keys()' | |
msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r not in %r' % (first, second) |
is found in
.Parameters | containee | the value that should not be in container
container | a sequence type, or in the case of a mapping type, will follow semantics of 'if key in dict.keys()' | |
msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r in %r' % (first, second) |
Notes | decimal places (from zero) is usually not the same as significant digits (measured from the most signficant digit). | |
included for compatiblity with PyUnit test cases |
Notes | decimal places (from zero) is usually not the same as significant digits (measured from the most signficant digit). | |
included for compatiblity with PyUnit test cases |
- second
Parameters | msg | if msg is None, then the failure message will be '%r ~== %r' % (first, second) |
does not errback with one of
. Returns the original Deferred with callbacks
added. You will need to return this Deferred from your test case.substring
does not exist within
contains substring
.Parameters | category | the category of the warning to check. |
message | the output message of the warning to check. | |
filename | the filename where the warning should come from. | |
f | the function which is supposed to generate the warning. (type: any callable. ) | |
args | the arguments to f .
| |
kwargs | the keywords arguments to f .
| |
Returns | the result of the original function f .
is not an instance of the given class or
of one of the given classes.Parameters | instance | the object to test the type (first argument of the isinstance
(type: any.
) |
classOrTuple | the class or classes to test against (second argument of the
isinstance call).
(type: class, type, or tuple.
) | |
message | Custom text to include in the exception text if the assertion fails. |
is not an instance of the given class or
of one of the given classes.Parameters | instance | the object to test the type (first argument of the isinstance
(type: any.
) |
classOrTuple | the class or classes to test against (second argument of the
isinstance call).
(type: class, type, or tuple.
) |