Part of twisted View Source
Module | client | HTTP client. |
Module | demo | I am a simple test resource. |
Module | distrib | Distributed web servers. |
Module | domhelpers | A library for performing interesting tasks with DOM objects. |
Module | error | Exception definitions for twisted.web . |
Module | "I'm Feeling Lucky" with Google. | |
Module | guard | Resource traversal integration with twisted.cred to allow for
authentication and authorization of HTTP requests. |
Module | html | I hold HTML generation helpers. |
Module | http | HyperText Transfer Protocol implementation. |
Module | http_headers | An API for storing HTTP header names and values. |
Module | iweb | Interface definitions for twisted.web . |
Module | microdom | Micro Document Object Model: a partial DOM implementation with SUX. |
Module | proxy | Simplistic HTTP proxy support. |
Module | resource | Implementation of the lowest-level Resource class. |
Module | rewrite | No module docstring; 0/1 classes, 1/2 functions documented |
Module | script | I contain PythonScript, which is a very simple python script resource. |
Module | server | This is a web-server which integrates with the twisted.internet infrastructure. |
Module | soap | SOAP support for twisted.web. |
Module | static | Static resources for twisted.web . |
Module | sux | *S*mall, *U*ncomplicated *X*ML. |
Module | tap | Support for creating a service which runs a web server. |
Module | template | HTML rendering for twisted.web. |
Module | twcgi | I hold resource classes and helper classes that deal with CGI scripts. |
Module | util | No module docstring; 2/4 classes, 2/12 functions documented |
Module | vhost | I am a virtual hosts implementation. |
Module | wsgi | An implementation of Web Resource Gateway Interface. |
Module | xmlrpc | A generic resource for publishing objects via XML-RPC. |
Package | _auth | HTTP header-based authentication migrated from web2 |
Module | _element | No module docstring; 1/1 classes documented |
Module | _flatten | Context-free flattener/serializer for rendering Python objects, possibly complex or arbitrarily nested, as strings. |
Module | _newclient | An HTTP 1.1 client. |
Module | _stan | An s-expression-like syntax for expressing xml in pure python. |
Module | _version | Undocumented |