Part of twisted.words.service View Source View In Hierarchy
Implements interfaces: twisted.words.iwords.IUser
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | loggedIn | Invoked by the associated IChatService
when login occurs. |
Method | join | Attempt to join the given group. |
Method | leave | Discontinue participation in the given group. |
Method | send | Send the given message to the given user or group. |
Method | itergroups | Return an iterator of all groups of which this user is a member. |
Method | logout | Undocumented |
when login occurs.Parameters | realm | The IChatService
through which login is occurring.
mind | The mind object used for cred login. |
Parameters | group | (type: IGroup
) |
Returns | (type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | group | (type: IGroup
) |
Returns | (type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |