Part of twisted.words.service View Source View In Hierarchy
Known subclasses: twisted.words.service.InMemoryWordsRealm
Implements interfaces: twisted.cred.portal.IRealm, twisted.words.iwords.IChatService
Method | __init__ | Undocumented |
Method | userFactory | Undocumented |
Method | groupFactory | Undocumented |
Method | logoutFactory | Undocumented |
Method | requestAvatar | Return avatar which provides one of the given interfaces. |
Method | lookupUser | Undocumented |
Method | lookupGroup | Retrieve a group by name. |
Method | addUser | Add the given user to this service. |
Method | addGroup | Add the given group to this service. |
Method | getGroup | Retrieve the group by the given name. |
Method | getUser | Retrieve the user by the given name. |
Method | createUser | Create a new user with the given name. |
Method | createGroup | Create a new group with the given name. |
Parameters | avatarId | a string that identifies an avatar, as returned by ICredentialsChecker.requestAvatarId
(via a Deferred). Alternatively, it may be
twisted.cred.checkers.ANONYMOUS .
mind | usually None. See the description of mind in Portal.login .
| |
interfaces | the interface(s) the returned avatar should implement, e.g.
IMailAccount . See the description of Portal.login .
| |
Returns | a deferred which will fire a tuple of (interface, avatarAspect, logout), or the tuple itself. The interface will be one of the interfaces passed in the 'interfaces' argument. The 'avatarAspect' will implement that interface. The 'logout' object is a callable which will detach the mind from the avatar. |
Unlike getGroup
, this will never implicitly create a
Parameters | name | (type: str
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with the group by the given name, or which fails
with twisted.words.ewords.NoSuchGroup .
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
This is an internal method intented to be overridden by WordsRealm
subclasses, not called by external code.
Parameters | user | (type: IUser
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with None when the user is added, or
which fails with twisted.words.ewords.DuplicateUser
if a user with the same name exists already.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | group | (type: IGroup
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with None when the group is added, or
which fails with twisted.words.ewords.DuplicateGroup
if a group with the same name exists already.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | name | (type: str
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with the group with the given name if one exists (or
if one is created due to the setting of createGroupOnRequest ,
or which fails with twisted.words.ewords.NoSuchGroup
if no such group exists.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | name | (type: str
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with the user with the given name if one exists (or
if one is created due to the setting of createUserOnRequest ,
or which fails with twisted.words.ewords.NoSuchUser
if no such user exists.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | name | (type: str
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with the created user, or with fails with twisted.words.ewords.DuplicateUser
if a user by that name exists already.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |
Parameters | name | (type: str
) |
Returns | A Deferred which fires with the created group, or with fails with twisted.words.ewords.DuplicateGroup
if a group by that name exists already.
(type: twisted.internet.defer.Deferred
) |