Part of twisted.words.xish.domish View Source View In Hierarchy
Known implementations: twisted.words.xish.domish.Element
See Element
a detailed example of its general use.
Warning: this Interface is not yet complete!
Attribute | uri | Element's namespace URI |
Attribute | name | Element's local name |
Attribute | defaultUri | Default namespace URI of child elements |
Attribute | attributes | Dictionary of element attributes |
Attribute | children | List of child nodes |
Attribute | parent | Reference to element's parent element |
Attribute | localPrefixes | Dictionary of local prefixes |
Method | toXml | Serializes object to a (partial) XML document |
Method | addElement | Create an element and add as child. |
Method | addChild | Adds a node as child of this element. |
Parameters | prefixes | dictionary that maps namespace URIs to suggested prefix names.
(type: dict
) |
closeElement | flag that determines whether to include the closing tag of the element in
the serialized string. A value of 0 only generates the
element's start tag. A value of 1 yields a complete
(type: int
) | |
defaultUri | Initial default namespace URI. This is most useful for partial rendering,
where the logical parent element (of which the starttag was already
serialized) declares a default namespace that should be inherited.
(type: str
) | |
prefixesInScope | list of prefixes that are assumed to be declared by ancestors.
(type: list
) | |
Returns | (partial) serialized XML
(type: unicode
) |
The new element is added to this element as a child, and will have this element as its parent.
Parameters | name | element name. This can be either a unicode object that
contains the local name, or a tuple of (uri, local_name) for a fully
qualified name. In the former case, the namespace URI is inherited from
this element.
(type: unicode or tuple of (unicode ,
unicode )
) |
defaultUri | default namespace URI for child elements. If None , this is
inherited from this element.
(type: unicode
) | |
content | text contained by the new element.
(type: unicode
) | |
Returns | the created element
(type: object providing IElement
) |