Part of twisted.words.xish.xpathparser View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | __init__ | Initialize the scanner. |
Inherited from Scanner:
Method | get_token_pos | Get the current token position in the input text. |
Method | get_char_pos | Get the current char position in the input text. |
Method | get_prev_char_pos | Get the previous position (one token back) in the input text. |
Method | get_line_number | Get the line number of the current position in the input text. |
Method | get_column_number | Get the column number of the current position in the input text. |
Method | get_input_scanned | Get the portion of the input that has been tokenized. |
Method | get_input_unscanned | Get the portion of the input that has not yet been tokenized. |
Method | token | Get the i'th token in the input. |
Method | __repr__ | Print the last 10 tokens that have been scanned in |
Method | scan | Should scan another token and add it to the list, self.tokens, and add the restriction to self.restrictions |
Parameters | patterns | [(terminal, uncompiled regex), ...] or None
ignore | [terminal,...] | |
input | string
If patterns is |